• 5 Reasons Why Eating in Moderation is So Complicated

    blog title graphic with a white flower on a beige background that says, 5 reasons why eating in moderation is so complicated powerfulcalm.com

    You’ve probably heard that eating in moderation is easy, and if you do, you can eat anything you want! For someone who doesn’t stress or emotionally eat, it’s an easy thing to say. But, if you’re trapped in the cycle of stress eating or emotional eating, dieting and back to emotional eating again, eating in […]

  • How to Fearlessly Live Your Core Values

    blog title graphic red modern flower on a beige background that says how to fearlessly live your core values powerfulcalm.com

    Identify your core values and learn how to live by them to build greater happiness. Sometimes, you can go through life without paying much attention. Maybe you move from one thing to the next, playing on your phone, without considering whether your actions match what you believe is essential – core values. But when you […]

  • How to Stop Stress Eating and Bingeing in 5 Steps

    blog title graphic with pink modern flowers on a beige background that says, 5 steps to stop stress eating and binging powerfulcalm.com

    Stress eating and bingeing is pretzel logic. When you eat well most of the time, but something stressful happens, and your mind immediately turns to eating, the twists and turns of rationalizing it are short-lived. When stress eating and bingeing take hold of you, the fallout is tinged with guilt, shame, and regret. The big […]

  • 6 Simple and Effective Habits for Happiness in Life

    blog title graphic with modern pink and orange flowers on a beige background that says 6 simple and effective habits for happiness in life powerfulcalm.com

    Are you just starting your happiness journey?  Even if you’ve been on the path of happiness for a while, building a foundation that helps accelerate your growth means you can be happier sooner than you think! I had no idea what to do when I graduated with my doctorate. My mentor and I planned to […]

  • 10 Mantras to Unlock Food Obsessions When You’re Really Stressed

    blog title graphic with a white modern flower on a beige background that says, 10 mantras to unlock food obsessions when you're really stressed powerfulcalm.com

    Sometimes, we all get stuck listening to that little nagging voice that leads to stress eating. Mantras to unlock food obsessions help with the voice that says: The thoughts above often happen when stress or emotional eating is the only go-to stress management option. So, many of my clients believe they need more willpower and discipline. […]

  • How to Focus When You’re Spent and Overwhelmed

    blog title graphic with a modern green leaf on a beige background that says, how to focus when you're spend and overwhelmed powerfulcalm.com

    We all fall into habits we would rather not repeat, but when they leave you feeling spent and overwhelmed, they’re difficult to avoid. “Take control of your habits. Take control of your life.”  — Anonymous It’s easy – habits are the shortcuts of life. In my house, there’s a habit of pulling the clothes out of […]

  • How to Cure Stress Eating and Get What You Really Need

    blog post graphic with blue modern flowers on a beige background that says, how to cure stress eating and get what you really need, powerfulcalm.com

    There’s so much information about how to stop stress eating and emotional eating. Every day, my news feed and social platforms tell me about new and improved ways to hack stress eating and emotional eating. The advice usually falls into one of these three categories: 1. Funny, in-your-face, non-diet messages are often delivered by young […]

  • How to Think Positively With The Golden Rule of Self-Care

    blog title graphic with a peach color modern flower on a beige background that says, how to think positively with the golden rule of self-care powerfulcalm.com

    Life changes when you think positively and treat yourself with love, compassion, and respect. The Golden Rule of Self-Care is a great way to know what to do and when so you stay on track. The Golden Rule of Self-Care is all about starting at the beginning – with you. Your relationship with yourself is […]

  • 10 Simple Mantras That Stop Negative Thinking And Stress Eating

    blog title graphic with orange modern flower on a beige background that says, 10 simple mantras to stop negative thinking and stress eating

    You know that nagging voice in your head that whispers you need to calm down and stop negative thinking, and before you know it, stress eating hits?  It’s the voice that… When you’re struggling with stress eating or emotional eating, the voice of doubt focuses on what’s not going well and dismisses or ignores what […]

  • How To Be Peaceful With Food In 3 Easy Steps

    blog title graphic with a pink modern flower on a beige background that says, how to be peaceful with food in 3 easy steps powerfulcalm.com

    Food peace through self-compassion gives you what you desire – freedom and accountability to be peaceful with food. Committing to changing your relationship with food takes a different focus. It’s more connected to what you want while at the same time giving you both grace and limits that are in alignment with your needs. Self-compassion is […]