• How Compassion Makes You A Better Person

    Blog post title graphic with modern pink and purple flowers and beige background that says, how compassion makes you a better person

    Can compassion make you a better person? You might have heard how compassion helps your well-being. But why does it help you, and how does it relate to your well-being? Compassion is feeling the other person’s suffering and wanting to help relieve it. The opposite of compassion may be harshness, judgment, or even callousness. Generally, […]

  • 7 Ways ‘Should’ Leads to Stress and How to Breakthrough

    blog post title graphic with orange and pink modern flowers and beige background that says 7 ways "I should" leads to stress and how to breakthrough, powerfulcalm.com

    Have you ever noticed that telling yourself – “I should…” leads to more stress, disappointment and self-criticism instead of motivating you to take action? Sometimes, it seems like ‘I should’ is like a giant electronic billboard in your mind flashing messages like, “I should do more work today,” “I should say yes,” or “I should […]

  • 5 Easy Strategies to Quiet Your Mind and Stop Repetitive Thoughts

    blog post title graphic with modern yellow flowers on a beige background that says 5 Easy strategies to quiet your mind and stop repetitive thoughts powerfulcalm.com

    Learn how to stop repetitive thoughts and get practical tips to help you quiet your mind. Repetitive thoughts, or thoughts that circle round and round, are called rumination. The repetitive thoughts usually focus on the following: For example, when something embarrassing happens, it’s unpleasant, which can result in thinking about the situation over and over […]

  • 3 Keys You Need to Practice Self-Acceptance

    blog title graphic of a peach modern flower on a beige background that says 3 Keys you need to practice self-acceptance powerfulcalm.com

    Have you heard this advice on how to practice self-acceptance? If I had a penny for every time a client has told me some version of one of the statements above… It seems that this type of advice makes logical sense. But the problem is that it treats your body as a thing or object […]

  • 5 Practical Ways to Be Calm and Release Stress!

    blog post title graphic with a modern red flower on a beige background that says 5 Practical Ways to Be Calm and Release Stress powerfulcalm.com

    Be calm and release stress with these 5 science-backed strategies. Maybe you’re feeling stressed about the future, disappointed about a relationship, frustrated about your life’s direction, or all of the above. These emotions can lead to an activated sympathetic nervous system. This matters because it’s difficult to know how to release stress and become calm […]

  • How to Gain Momentum without Stress Eating or Burning Out

    blog title graphic with modern green leaves and black flowers on a beige background that says, how to gain momentum without stress eating or burning out powerfulcal.com

    Learn the 5 steps needed to keep up your forward momentum without stress eating or burning out. Cathartic – bringing about relief from strong emotions, usually by expressing them (Merriam-Webster). We are encouraged to “just get it out and you’ll feel better,” which is true often. Most of my clients feel relieved when they talk […]

  • 5 Ways to Stop Overthinking – Be in The Present Moment

    log post title graphic with a colorful modern flowers on a beige background that says, 5 Ways to Stop Overthinking and be present powerfulcalm.com

    Has anyone ever told you to stop overthinking things? I know that I’ve heard it a few thousand times! That might be an exaggeration, but probably not! In this article, you’ll learn five simple steps that I take to stop overthinking and be present. You’ll know if you’re overthinking when you experience repetitive and unproductive […]

  • 3 Steps to Stop Struggling with Stress Eating Right Now

    blog post title graphic with purple modern flowers on a beige background that says, 3 Steps to stop struggling with stress eating right now powerfulcalm.com

    Struggling with stress eating may go something like this… If I could… …find the right way to eat, I won’t have cravings. …gain some more willpower, I would be stronger and I could resist my urges. …detox from addictive/sugary foods, I would be free. …stick with something long enough for it to take. … get […]

  • 4 Simple Steps to Live More Simply and Savor Life

    blog title graphic with modern red flowers on a beige background that says, 4 simple steps to live more simply and savor life powerfulcalm.com

    Do you want to live more simply and savor life in ways that are right for you? Read on to find out how you can simplify and enjoy life more. Does life sometimes feel more complex than it needs to be? Do you feel like society expects you to buy more than is necessary, own […]

  • Calm Your Mind with 5 Science-Backed Strategies

    blog title graphic with a pink modern flower on a beige background that says, calm your mind with 5 science-backed strategies powerfulcalm.com

    Read on to discover science-backed strategies to help you calm your mind for more peace. When you calm your mind, do you have peace of mind? Most of my coaching clients want to be in a state of calmness or tranquility and they also want to have the confidence that they can reduce stress as […]