• Learn How to Soothe Yourself Easily: 5 Tips to Renew Your Inner Peace

    blog title graphic with a pink modern flower on a beige background that says, learn how to soothe yourself easily: 5 tips to renew your inner peace

    Inner peace doesn’t just happen. It takes skills to self-soothe, one of the most essential life skills. Keep reading to learn science-backed strategies to increase your ability to self-soothe and feel the calm of inner peace! Self-soothing is the effort or capacity to calm yourself in emotional distress. Three factors determine how long the emotional […]

  • 3 Ways to Turn Body Hate into Body Love

    blog post title graphic with a blue modern flower and beige background that says, 3 ways to turn body hate into body love powerfulcalm.com

    There are two paths – body hate vs body love. There is no in-between, justifications, or talking yourself into what-ifs. Maybe I like the color of my eyes, but my legs are too short. Or perhaps I like the way my body moves, just not the muscles or the bit of jiggle. There isn’t room […]

  • 3 Principles to be a Conscious Eater for Life

    blog title graphic with modern pink flowers on beige background that says 3 principles to be a conscious eater for life powerfulcalm.com

    We all want to eat healthy, live well, and be our best selves. Unfortunately, stress eating can rob you of your best intentions. Fortunately, when you become a Conscious Eater, you learn how to experience and maintain freedom from stress eating. The cycle of stress eating usually goes something like this – Sometimes, it’s all […]

  • How to Insulate Yourself from Toxic Positivity

    blog title graphic with pink modern flower with beige background that says, how to insulate yourself from toxic positivity powerfulcalm.com

    What’s the difference between good positivity and bad positivity, and when does it become toxic positivity? Positivity includes feelings like gratitude, optimism, and a positive perspective. It might seem like common sense that positivity is good for well-being, backed by research, but there are exceptions, too. One of the exceptions is when positivity is forced; […]

  • 5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Mood

    blog title graphic with gold modern flowers on a beige background that says, 5 simple ways to boost your mood powerfulcalm.com

    Ready for science-based ways to boost your mood with positive emotions while you decrease negative emotions so you can enjoy life more? Life isn’t always easy or fun or what you thought it would be like. Sometimes negative things happen that result in feeling negative and a bad mood is what you experience. Other times, […]

  • Discover How to Grow Your Emotional Well-being

    blog title graphic with purple modern flowers on beige background that says, discover how to grow your emotional well-being powerfulcalm.com

    What if you could create more positive emotional experiences and improve your emotional well-being? Improving your emotional well-being is not about stopping or avoiding uncomfortable emotional experiences. Emotions are an ordinary and necessary part of life – both emotions we like as well as those that are uncomfortable. Emotional well-being includes self-awareness, emotion regulation, and […]

  • How to Unlock Negative Emotions that Trigger Stress Eating

    blog title graphic with white and blue modern flower on a beige background that says, how to unlock negative emotions that trigger stress eating powerfulcalm.com

    Mindless stress or emotional eating. You’ve been there – eating when you don’t want to, but the stress needs to go somewhere, and that is when stress or emotional eating starts. It’s a distraction that helps to calm your stress with relief, even if it’s only for a few minutes. You’re only trying to get away […]

  • How to Empower Yourself in Midlife

    blog title graphic with orange modern flowers on a beige background that says, how to empower yourself in midlife powerfulcalm.com

    How to empower yourself isn’t a topic that’s directly discussed much. You’ll often read about what’s empowering after the fact. It’s as if the feeling is a surprising result. Instead, the tools to empower yourself are simple and can become your way of being in the world. When you know what can help you reach […]

  • Silk: The Simple Tool to Overcome Stress Eating

    blog title graphic pink modern flower on a beige background that says silk: the simple tool to overcome stress eating powerfulcalm.com

    Conscious Eating is one of the fastest ways to overcome stress eating. Conscious Eating gives you the skills to transform your relationship with food and eating so you’re in control. When you learn emotional mastery tools, they’re transferable to many challenges in life, not only to overcome stress eating. Conscious Eating isn’t a diet. It’s […]

  • Tips for a Great Quality of Life

    blog title graphic with a pink modern flower on a beige background that says, Tips for a great quality of life pwoerfulcalm.com

    Learn what you need for a great quality of life in mind, body and heart. How do you know if you have a good quality of life? What exactly does quality of life mean anyway? Does quality of life mean you experience more happiness than disappointment, or is there more to it than that? Many […]