blog title graphic with a pink modern flower on a beige background that says, Tips for a great quality of life

Learn what you need for a great quality of life in mind, body and heart.

How do you know if you have a good quality of life?

What exactly does quality of life mean anyway?

Does quality of life mean you experience more happiness than disappointment, or is there more to it than that?

Many fields study quality of life, including psychology, personal development, business, and health and wellness. The term varies depending on the context in which it is used. This is why there is no single agreed-upon definition of quality of life.

The World Health Organization (WHO) definition of quality of life is: “an individual’s perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards, and concerns” (, n.d.). Since the WHO’s definition is used in many public and global health research studies, it’s an important benchmark. Essentially, the WHO’s definition states that quality of life is a subjective measure of an individual’s well-being. This point is debated – some researchers state that quality of life must involve objective and subjective measures.

This article focuses on how the quality of life is relevant to you and your well-being.

Tips for Improving Your Quality of Life

To improve your quality of life, it’s helpful to look at the different areas of life and focus on where there is the most room for improvement. As a starting point, you can begin by focusing on the six domains the WHO includes in its definition – Physical, Psychological, Level of independence, Social Relationships, Environment, and Spirituality/religion/personal beliefs.

Which domain catches your attention? Is this the area you want to improve for an excellent quality of life, or do you feel confident and satisfied? Don’t worry too much about the names of the domains. What’s important is to take a step back and neutrally assess each one.

Below are some examples and questions based on some of the WHO’s domains directly related to your relationship with yourself – physical, psychological, social, and spiritual. I hope these questions get you thinking about how you would like to enhance your quality of life.


This domain considers health, illness, physical limitations, and possibilities for improving your relationship with your body.

  • Does your physical health add to or detract from your quality of life?
  • Do your food choices affect your mood and energy levels?
  • How satisfied are you with your sleep quantity and quality?
  • How often do you move your body?


This domain focuses on emotional health and well-being, understanding stressors, coping with feelings and your unique understanding of your mental well-being.

  • Do you manage your emotions and moods as you like?
  • Are you living in the present or a cycle of distraction?
  • Are you optimistic about the future?
  • Do you feel resilient when faced with life stressors?

Social Relationships

This domain focuses on the relationships with others, how comfortable and confident you are in social situations and how much enjoyment you receive from them.

  • Do you have someone to talk to about your struggles?
  • How confident are you when you meet new people?
  • Do you feel like you have good communication with your significant other/friends/family?

Spirituality & Personal Beliefs

The last domain in this article focuses on personal beliefs, which include spirituality and religion. It might also be helpful to consider your values and their role in your life.

  • Is religion/spirituality important to you?
  • Do you have people in your life to discuss your personal beliefs with?
  • Is spirituality a source of confusion for you?
  • Does the media you consume help you grow as a person?

Your answers to the above questions and any other questions you have for yourself will help guide your choices. There aren’t quick fixes; instead, focus on living in alignment with what you need for your life. Small habit changes in your everyday life are the changes that add up to more happiness and fulfillment – two essential aspects that lead to an excellent quality of life.

I hope the questions above help you focus on aspects of your life that you can change. Remember to track your progress. You’ll know that you’re moving forward as you feel more and more content with your life. Journaling is also a great way to track changes. Progress can motivate you to continue your journey as you improve the quality of your life.

In Sum

The theory and research behind quality of life are wide-reaching, but reflecting on the parts of your life that you can enhance can lead to excellent quality of life. When you focus on the parts you can change, you can make a plan that works for you. Spending time improving your quality of life also improves your overall well-being, leading to more happiness and a fulfilling life!