Blog post title image with modern flowers and title on a beige background that the how powerful calm formula make your life better.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could reduce your stress in a few minutes? The good news is that when you have the skills to make it happen, you can have a powerful, calm formula to achieve relaxation.

It takes three key concepts and a straightforward framework to get started. Powerful Calm is based on the latest research on stress relief. It provides an easy way to take control of your health and lower your levels of everyday stress. This article introduces you to the concepts and Powerful Calm framework so you can easily experience stress relief.

The Powerful Calm Formula has three components: emotional mastery, clear communication and well-being habits.

The Powerful Calm formula connects you to what matters most – a satisfying and fulfilling life. This happens in all areas of your life – your family, your career and most of all within yourself!

The Power Calm framework is simple, sustainable and most of all it’s not a band-aid!

It gives you a guide to help you understand how to reduce your stress level and achieve what you want for your life. The Powerful Calm formula has three parts: emotional mastery, clear communication and well-being habits. Each part of the Powerful Calm formula has action steps that will provide short-term and long-term benefits as they become part of your routine.

Emotional Mastery

Emotional mastery is:

  • building your mind/body emotional vocabulary
  • increasing curiosity about your emotional needs
  • using your knowledge to take care of yourself.

What emotional mastery gives you is the knowledge about what you need for your well-being. The result is the ability to choose how to respond to any situation rather than allowing those situations to control you.

When you become a master of your emotions, you gain an understanding of the effect that emotional intensity has on your experiences.

This is important because it’s easier to respond in a way that matches your emotional needs in the moment. Matching your needs is vital to move through challenging emotions more easily and enjoy pleasant emotions more. The power to control your reactions is within reach, whether you feel anxious, angry, or calm and happy.

The choice about how you respond rather than being controlled by your emotions is where you find your power – it’s the ultimate self-control!

Emotional mastery goes beyond assuming accountability for the situation or outcome. It helps you to understand what led up to the emotional response and where you can go from there.

Emotional mastery is the foundation of clarity.

It’s challenging to move forward when you’re cluttered with emotions or stuck on one. However, when you master your emotions, push them away with immediate mindless reactions. You can take your time and mindfully choose how you need to respond.

Clear Communication

Every relationship needs effective communication for it to thrive. Lack of communication can undo what you’ve learned about emotional mastery and well-being habits in the first place!

The most important person to be straightforward with is yourself!

There is no fluff or excuses, just self-compassion and accountability.

Solid self-talk can help reduce stress in all situations, especially when the stakes are high or emotions run hot.

Effective communication with yourself is being honest and conversing without getting too worked up about things that don’t matter so that you can respond to a situation congruently.

Sometimes, it’s taking the perspective of an observer and having the conversation with yourself like you would your most cherished friend.

  • Strong and loving
  • Kind and firm
  • Compassionate and honest

You can only be transparent with others and meet your needs when clear with yourself. The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. You’re always in your head, so why not make it the most pleasant relationship?

Clear communication is a skill you can develop at any time in your life

Well-being Habits

Most of the time, we think we’re doing okay. Your head is above water, no matter how hard you kick to stay that way. You’re okay, and everything is under control, but something happens, maybe a work deadline or an argument with your significant other.

For most of my clients, stress has become a big part of their lives without them realizing it. What leads them to seek help is that the automatic stress reactions begin to harm their lives.

  • Being short with others
  • Long-term irritability
  • stress eating/drinking/over-exercise/no exercise/not enjoying life

Emotional mastery and clear communication allow you to respond to stress instead of immediately reacting. When you master your emotions mindlessly, impulsively over or under-reacting doesn’t happen anymore.

Well-being habits aren’t about becoming someone else or changing who you are. They’re about being open to change and making small changes that have a significant impact over time.

Well-being habits are:

  • meditation/quiet time/reading/listening to music
  • mind/body practice like walking, yoga, stretching
  • connected conversations

These are just a few examples. Well-being habits are more than flossing daily; they enhance your connection with yourself and the people in your life.

Like any good habit, they become part of your life because you benefit greatly. And a bonus is that those around you benefit, too. You’ll become a leader in living a mindful, anti-stress lifestyle.

When you recognize the power of well-being habits, it’s easier to become proactive in doing daily things to help bring more calm into your life.

Wrapping up

Power Calm is a simple framework to support your stress reduction and increase well-being with emotional mastery, clear communication, and well-being habits.

With the Powerful Calm Formula, small changes in your thinking, behavior, and connection with yourself can make a huge difference in your stress level.

This is what makes you powerful in your ability to keep calm.

Each step along the way gives you powerful results:

  • Self-knowledge that leads to clear action
  • Clarity that leads to needs being met
  • Satisfaction that leads to fulfillment

The power comes from knowing who you are and what you need your life to be.