• The Truth About Stress Eating: Imperfection is Part of the Journey

    blog title graphic with red modern flowers on a beige background that says, the truth about stress eating: imperfection is part of the journey powerfulcalm.com

    There are only five things you need to do to stop stress eating. It might sound too easy, but the five steps take time and patience – there are no shortcuts and perfectionism only slows your progress. If you can commit to the belief that life can be less stressful and even harmonious, you can […]

  • 28 Quotes to Inspire Optimism and Energize Your Life

    blog title graphic with a purple modern flower on a beige background that says, 28 quotes to inspire optimism and energize your life powerfulcalm.com

    If you clicked on this post, I’m guessing that a positive quote and a few words of inspiration are some things in life that boost you. I love a great quote to – So many ways that quotes nourish the mind and inspire living your life with optimism and intention. Quotes are one type of […]

  • How to Stop Weighing Yourself and Feel Good Anyway

    blog title graphic with a pink modern flower on a beige background that says, how to stop weighing yourself and feel good anyway powerfulcalm.com

    Weighing yourself is one of the worst ways to feel good about yourself or get a handle on stress eating. If you ever stress eating, weighing yourself usually leads to negative thoughts or opinions that prevent you from feeling good about your body, boundaries, and confidence. This is your body, your greatest gift, pregnant with […]

  • 3 Fundamentals to Train Your Brain for Happiness

    blog title graphic with blue modern flowers on a beige background that says, 3 fundamentals to train your brain for happiness, powerfulcalm.com

    How to help your brain create shortcuts for happiness. “Have you found happiness?” Whenever I hear this question, I think of it as asking about something lost and, if so, where it could be. But happiness isn’t something you need to search for, like a long-lost treasure; it’s a matter of learning skills to train […]

  • How to Have a Better Relationship with Food

    blog title graphic with an orange flower on a beige background that says, how to have a better relationship with food powerfulcalm.com

    A better relationship with food comes from setting kind food limits. So, what is a kind food limit? It is a limit that supports you, opens up growth opportunities you want, and ultimately leads to greater well-being. A kind food limit considers what you desire for taste and pleasure and what your body needs to […]

  • How to Get Unstuck and Be Happy for Good!

    blog post graphic with a pink modern flower on a beige background that says, how to get unstuck and be happy for good, powerfulcalm.com

    Why is it so hard to get unstuck and move forward in life? It’s like you’re standing at a fork in the road, unsure of which direction to take and there’s a huge tree blocking both paths. You know you must move down one or the other, but how will you climb over that tree? […]

  • 4 Ways to Love and Accept Yourself in Midlife

    blog title graphic with a white modern flower on a beige background that says, 4 ways to love and accept yourself in midlife, powerfulcalm.com

    When you accept yourself, life gets better. How you do it is to confidently acknowledge that there’s so much about you that’s good. You also know you’re on the path of continuing to grow when you can accept your wonderfully imperfect self, too! Daily life is challenging, with unrealistic expectations of who you think you […]

  • 5 Reasons Why Eating in Moderation is So Complicated

    blog title graphic with a white flower on a beige background that says, 5 reasons why eating in moderation is so complicated powerfulcalm.com

    You’ve probably heard that eating in moderation is easy, and if you do, you can eat anything you want! For someone who doesn’t stress or emotionally eat, it’s an easy thing to say. But, if you’re trapped in the cycle of stress eating or emotional eating, dieting and back to emotional eating again, eating in […]

  • How to Fearlessly Live Your Core Values

    blog title graphic red modern flower on a beige background that says how to fearlessly live your core values powerfulcalm.com

    Identify your core values and learn how to live by them to build greater happiness. Sometimes, you can go through life without paying much attention. Maybe you move from one thing to the next, playing on your phone, without considering whether your actions match what you believe is essential – core values. But when you […]

  • How to Stop Stress Eating and Bingeing in 5 Steps

    blog title graphic with pink modern flowers on a beige background that says, 5 steps to stop stress eating and binging powerfulcalm.com

    Stress eating and bingeing is pretzel logic. When you eat well most of the time, but something stressful happens, and your mind immediately turns to eating, the twists and turns of rationalizing it are short-lived. When stress eating and bingeing take hold of you, the fallout is tinged with guilt, shame, and regret. The big […]